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Promoting recreational bicycling in Lancaster County for all interested cyclists
HomeGoals and Objectives

Lancaster Bicycle Club Goals and Objectives


Mission and Purpose:

Promote recreational bicycling in Lancaster County for all interested cyclists.




1) Provide recreational bicycling activities and rides for cyclists and their families.

2) Encourage cycling as a lifelong activity for individual health and happiness.

3) Promote social opportunities for cyclists to share experiences and fellowship.

4) Promote safe riding conditions in Lancaster County.

5) Advocate for bicycling through education, communication, and participation in advocacy organizations.

6) Responsibly manage the club to provide ongoing support of bicycling in Lancaster County

Goals and Regular Programs

The club will continue programs and activities to support the mission and goals.

1) Provide regular bicycling opportunities  (Objectives #1, 2)

1. Regular weekly rides programs

2. Encourage impromptu initiatives

3. Mentor new leadership for board positions, committee chairs, ride leaders

2) Maintain Financial Support for the club (Objectives #1, 2, 6)

1. Stage the annual Covered Bridge Classic (CBC) supported ride/fundraiser

2. Manage other income through dues, advertising, or corporate sponsorships as appropriate

3. Manage expenses within approved limits

3) Encourage and reward volunteerism (Objectives #5, 6)

1. Covered Bridge Classic committee chairs and workers and post-event gathering

2. Adopt-a-Highway cleanup and breakfast

3. Ride coordinators and leaders with recognition or awards

4) Provide special bicycling and social events (Objectives #1, 2, 3, 5)

1. Club membership events as desired by members such as:

•Annual Meeting dinner

•Holiday parties

•Annual picnic

2. Organize the Tour de Red Rose (TdRR) cycling event

3. Support entry-level cyclists with programs such as Bike to 30k

4. Combination ride/social events such as out-of-area “Flings”, weekly breakfast rides, rides to township fairs, or ice cream rides

5. Other social events such as monthly “Happy Hour” gatherings, outings to wineries, or holiday walks or events

5) Continue linkage with the community (Objectives #4, 5, 6)

1. Administer a community grant program

2. Obtain Covered Bridge Classic sponsorships and donations

3. Support covered bridge initiatives in Lancaster County

4. Participate in Bicycle Education and Advocacy

•Membership in League of American Bicyclists

•Support Traffic Skills Education course

5. Promote Lancaster County bicycle shops

6. Maintain Lancaster Bicycle Club position support statements

6) Communicate with club members (Objectives #1, 2, 5, 6)

1. Publish Pedaler – 10 issues per year

2. Support and monitor Google group messaging system

3. Update website as needed

4. Use member-targeted emails when appropriate

7) Provide and share bicycle routes (Objective #1)

1. Maintain a route database for members of cue sheets and *.gpx files

2. Encourage club members to submit new routes, corrections, and refinements



LBC Board of Directors, August 2021