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HomeRide Classifications

Ride Classifications


Ride classifications are according to distance, with general guidelines for pace.  Average pace can vary depending on weather, terrain, and participants.


For all ride classifications, be supportive of the other participants.


Ride Leader pace of + or - may be used within any classification. For example, 13-14 indicates that the leader pace will average between 13 and 14, but not faster than 14.


The plus (+) designation is often used for Show and Go rides (rides with no leader). As an example, 13+ for a Show and Go ride indicates that the lowest rider pace may be 13 mph and could be faster depending on the riders present; in all cases Show and Go attendees are encouraged to bring friends to ensure they have someone to ride with.

Fun Rides: Distance less than 25 miles, ride leader average pace about 11 mph or less (the slowest cyclist will determine the pace), and group will wait for all cyclists. Frequent rest stops. Good pace for beginners and families. Try a Fun Ride if you're not sure of your abilities.

Casual Rides (D):  
Distance between 25 and 40 miles, ride leader pace typically 12-14 mph (the slowest cyclist will determine the pace). Good ride choice for stronger Fun riders who want to ride longer distances.

Intermediate Rides (C):  Distance between 25 and 40 miles, ride leader pace 14-16 mph.  Good choice for riders looking to ride faster than a Casual Ride pace.  Group could possibly splinter into smaller groups.

Advanced (B): Distance between 25 and 40 miles, ride leader pace 16-18 mph.  Good choice for riders looking to ride faster than an Intermediate Ride pace.  Group could possibly splinter into smaller groups.

Challenging Rides (A): Distance greater than 30 miles, pace 18-20 mph.  Good ride choice for riders who want longer distances at a faster pace.  Group will likely splinter into smaller groups.

HC (Hors Catégorie):  Distances greater than 40 miles, pace greater than 20 mph, and/or rides with very hilly or mountainous terrain.  Good ride choice for advanced riders who want very fast paced and/or hilly rides. Group will likely splinter into smaller groups.

Please follow the above guidelines to help ensure an enjoyable ride for everyone on the ride. Pick a ride within your capability. If unsure what that is, go on a ride in the next lower classification from the one you think you can handle. Do not force the pace on a ride that is too easy for you. 

Arrive 10-15 minutes before the starting time so the ride can leave on time. Make sure your bike is in proper working order BEFORE you arrive; leaders are not expected to be mechanics. Carry a spare tube, patch kit, pump and at least one water bottle. Wearing a helmet on Club rides is required.  Wearing headphones or other listening devices is not permitted on club rides. Obey all applicable traffic laws. Each cyclist assumes their own risk. Those who ride ahead of the leader are on their own. Notify the leader if you plan to leave the ride along the way. 

Leaders are expected to follow the advertised pace and should request someone to act as "sweep" if necessary (sweeper will receive one Ride Hero credit). Leaders may dismiss from the ride anyone who fails to obey laws or whose actions endanger other riders. Check the ride Meetup page at least one hour before starting time if you have any questions about the ride, or for a go/no go decision in case of questionable weather or road conditions.

Fun        11 mph or less
Casual (D): 12-14 mph

Intermediate (C) 14-16 mph

Advanced (B): 16-18 mph

Challenging (A): 18-20 mph

HC:                      20+ mph


Terrain Classification   Maximum Climbing   Maximum Grade 
    Flat  38 ft. per mile  5.7 %
    Rolling 51 ft. 8.1 %
    Hilly 60 ft. 11.2 %
    Very Hilly 73 ft. 12.7 %
    Mountainous Unlimited Unlimited