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Promoting recreational bicycling in Lancaster County for all interested cyclists
HomeRules of the Road

Rules of the Road


As a member, you will meet new people who share your interest in cycling as well as many other interests. By riding with us, you have the opportunity to share and learn safe bicycling habits and to foster cycling in our community. In effect, you become an ambassador for the great sport of cycling. LBC rides are enjoyable, in part, because we encourage all riders to abide by the Rules of the Road. Basic Guidelines For All LBC Rides Bicyclists fare best when they act like and are treated as operators of a vehicle.
  • Wear helmets at all times; they are required of all riders on club rides.
  • Do not wear ear buds or any other type of personal audio devices; they are not permitted on club rides. 
  • Stay out of right turn lanes when going straight.
  • Stay right, and do not pass on hills with limited sightlines or curves.
  • Do not hinder traffic unnecessarily.
  • Move to single file when traffic is present. The most efficient way to do this is for the inside rider(s)—those closer to the center of the road—to pull in ahead of those on his/her right.
  • Make space for cars to pass large groups of cyclists.
  • Ensure safe crossings. Look for yourself. Calling out “Clear” is not recommended. Directing traffic is not legal.
  • Give verbal warnings:
    • “Passing on left/right.” Passing on the right should only be done if the slower rider is more than a normal bike width (4 ft.) from the right edge of the pavement.
    • “Car back” then form single line for courtesy to and safety of riders and drivers
    • “Car Up” for oncoming traffic
    • “Hole” or “Gravel” to alert riders behind, as well as pointing out
  • Use hand signals:
    • Right or left turn: arm parallel to ground in direction of turn
    • Slowing: arm down at side with palm facing back and pulsing, as well as calling out
    • Stopping: arm down at side with palm facing back, as well as calling out
What To Do If A Rider Is Injured - Immediate Actions 
  • All ride leaders and sweeps are strongly encouraged to have a cell phone with them during a ride.
  • Stay calm; you are no help to others if you are frantic. Survey the situation before you act.
  • Divert or stop traffic. If the injured rider is in the roadway, have other riders divert or stop traffic until you can determine if the person has a possible neck or back injury. Get all other riders and their bicycles off the road.
  • Important: If you determine that the person has a possible neck or back injury, divert or hold up traffic until help arrives. Do not move the person.
  • Determine if the person is injured seriously enough to require medical attention. The injured rider should get medical attention if he or she:
    • Is bleeding heavily
    • Has a head injury and lost consciousness even briefly
    • Can’t remember what happened
    • Has obvious pain when moving an injured limb
  • Pay careful attention even if there are no obvious injuries. Confusion or disorientation could indicate a head injury.
  • Send someone for help, if necessary. Call 911 immediately, if there is any question about whether professional medical attention is needed.
  • Check the rider’s cell phone for an ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact number. If an ambulance is summoned, make sure the person’s identification/contact information and helmet go in the ambulance with him/her. Hospital personnel will want to examine the helmet to determine the likelihood of head injuries.
Other Actions To Take After The Injured Rider’s Needs Are Addressed 
  • Stay with the injured rider until help arrives. The ride leader and preferably someone who knows first aid should remain. Other riders may continue the ride, especially if they need to get back to the starting point before daylight ends.
  • Obtain the name, driver license number, plate number, and insurance information of any driver involved in the accident.
  • Obtain the names and contact information of any witnesses and persons that rendered assistance.
  • Report the accident to the ride coordinator and ride leader. Make note of the rider’s name/contact information so a followup call can be made to check on their condition.
  • Return for the injured rider’s bike as soon as possible, preferably before nightfall. Alternatively, leave the bike at a nearby police or fire station, bike shop, or at the home of local residents.
To download a full copy of the Rules of the Road click here.